A home that is filled with health and helps to lead a healthy lifestyle. Part 2. 11.07.2018 Continuation of an interesting article on how to make your home fit a healthy lifestyle. Our tips will help you...
Do-it-yourself cinder block house 09.07.2018 A cinder block house has a number of advantages. Its construction does not require the involvement of qualified builders, there...
adobe house 05.07.2018 Building from adobe for Russia is rather unconventional, but it already attracts many developers. Adobe can be attributed to an...
Glued beam house 03.07.2018 Such houses are considered the perfection of craftsmanship of wooden construction, since the accuracy of every detail and the quality...
Shrink timber house 02.07.2018 When building a house "under shrinkage", as a rule, sawn timber of various sections is used. And when building on...
Houses with attics – 28.06.2018 Particularly popular now are houses with attics. They cannot be called two-story, but from the point of view of living...
Home photoepilator – truth and myths 26.06.2018 What methods have not been and are not resorted to by the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in...
The houses of the Kyiv rich are flooded, covering the pool 22.06.2018 Residents of these luxurious houses are forced to get to their homes in wadings, because the jeeps just get stuck....
Profiled timber houses 20.06.2018 Do you dream of purchasing a turnkey wooden house made of timber and merging with the surrounding nature?? We will...
Foam block houses: features and benefits 19.06.2018 Foam block construction is becoming more and more popular, and there are both subjective reasons and objective reasons for this....