“The window would be bigger, the corridor would be wider, and the door would be moved a little here …”, – which of us did not think about this, critically looking at our housing. Probably, not everyone can boast of an ideal layout, except for the lucky ones who built their housing according to their own project. Everyone else can only dream or improve existing housing.Narrow and long rooms are a significant disadvantage of standard apartments. Such a room resembles a tunnel, especially when the only window is located at the end of the wall. It is possible to expand such a room only in a cardinal way, by demolishing the partition, although it is not always possible, and not all apartment owners want this. Although, the effect of a well-thought-out design may come out a little less than from the transfer of walls.
First way
When finishing a long room, the end walls should be made brighter than the longitudinal ones. This technique visually brings the shape closer to the square. For this purpose, wall drapery or painting, or wallpaper (they tend to be painted), is suitable, depending on the ideas regarding the style of the room and its purpose. For a window in the end wall, you should choose curtains of a rich shade.
Second way
Correct an architectural flaw: by properly arranging furniture. A common mistake in the setting of a long room – the placement of furniture should be exclusively parallel – to the longitudinal walls, as a result of which the room looks like a corridor. It will be much better if large pieces of furniture, such as a sofa or bookcase, are placed closer to the ends of the room. Mirrors on long walls will expand the space. A small part of the room can be allocated under a small wardrobe.
Third way
Not the latest design trick: space zoning. Zones to be placed across the room. Often there are ways to design a “room in a room” – the construction of a small podium. The same wardrobes are autonomous, in the form of the letter “P”, can become a partition (this can be done if the room has a couple of windows). If the area of the room allows, then you can divide the room by delimiting the zones with appropriate interior style – racks, creating one additional zone, in our case it will be a “green corner” of indoor plants.
All the methods presented: furniture arrangement, color and zoning – can be safely combined, and if you do it with a special taste, then no one will suspect that you do not have the most ideal layout.
It is very difficult to choose furniture for a narrow, long or small room. Especially if the furniture is both necessary and not very (large for a small room) compact – such as a computer desk.
To create a house according to your own project, you will need concrete for the foundation. And the sale of concrete does not stop, even in winter!