For this period of time, there are absolutely no internal prerequisites for a fall in the value of residential properties offered on the secondary real estate market. The corresponding opinion was expressed by the head of the analytics and information technology committee of the Association of Real Estate Specialists, Eduard Brazas.
Now there is a fairly stable state of affairs. Agreements continue to be made, albeit in small numbers. Average price fluctuations are about 2 percent, but there is no global situation with a change in price dynamics. If we evaluate the situation in general, then the trend recorded at the beginning of last year continues to be observed. The whole situation continues to remain stable.
But the information and forecasts of experts regarding the collapse of the secondary real estate market, were the result of the fact that certain unfavorable forecasts began to appear on the development of the situation in the field of the economy. Such forecasts are quite obvious and predictable: with the fall of the country’s economy as a whole, the real estate market cannot stand aside. If there is a similar stability that is now taking place, then everything will be fairly stable with real estate.
In the case of certain cataclysms that will have a global impact on the fall of production capacities, increase devaluation moods and expectations, then in the real estate market it will be possible to expect a drop in residential real estate prices.
For this period of time, real prerequisites for sudden movements towards an increase or decrease simply do not. The situation demonstrates indicative stability.