The fashion world often faces the problem of counterfeit branded goods, and bags are no exception. Counterfeits are becoming more sophisticated and difficult to detect, but there are still certain characteristics that help distinguish a counterfeit from an original.
Quality of materials and workmanship
One of the main differences between fakes and original bags is the quality of materials and workmanship. Branded bags, such as Luxuriöse Handtaschen und Accessoires, are made from high quality materials. Basically, genuine leather or durable textile fabrics are used. They have carefully crafted seams, even stitching and excellent finishing quality.
On the other hand, counterfeits are usually made from cheap, low quality materials. For example, faux leather may look shiny or have an unnatural texture. The seams on fakes are often uneven, and the finish can be rough or sloppy.
Design and details
Branded bags typically have unique designs and distinctive details that are difficult to replicate for craft projects. For example:
- characteristic logos;
- recognizable decorative elements;
- rivets;
- fasteners with brand logo.
The Hermès Birkin 40 Grizzly, for example, is distinguished by the presence of the brand logo. These bags will be a great addition to any fashionista’s look. Counterfeits may try to copy these parts, but they often do so poorly or with insufficient precision. For example, logos may be the wrong size or shape, or made from poor quality materials.
Price and place of purchase
The price and where you buy the bag can also give some clues about its authenticity. Branded bags, including Handbag Chanel Large Flap Bag Blac, are usually sold in official brand boutiques, authorized dealers or on official websites. Although there are discount stores or sales, the price of original bags usually remains quite high.
Counterfeits, on the contrary, are sold in markets or in unofficial online stores at a significantly lower price. Original branded bags often come in special packaging with official documentation such as a certificate of authenticity or care instructions. These additional elements can confirm the authenticity of the bag. Counterfeits usually do not have similar packaging or documentation, or they are made carelessly or with errors.